Brevo Email Deliverability Report
Email deliverability for Brevo and other providers comparison
Provider | Emails Sent | Emails Inbox | Emails Spam | Emails Lost |
Kit | 8.857 | 7.409 (83.65 %) | 1.114 (12.58 %) | 334 (3.77 %) |
Mailgun | 8.801 | 7.331 (83.30 %) | 1.140 (12.95 %) | 330 (3.75 %) |
Amazon SES | 8.930 | 7.419 (83.08 %) | 1.179 (13.20 %) | 332 (3.72 %) |
GetResponse | 402.861 | 334.047 (82.92 %) | 58.090 (14.42 %) | 10.724 (2.66 %) |
ActiveCampaign | 403.032 | 327.272 (81.20 %) | 65.254 (16.19 %) | 10.506 (2.61 %) |
CleverReach | 402.264 | 326.348 (81.13 %) | 64.458 (16.02 %) | 11.458 (2.85 %) |
SendGrid | 8.948 | 7.254 (81.07 %) | 1.355 (15.14 %) | 339 (3.79 %) |
mailtrap | 9.079 | 7.346 (80.91 %) | 1.343 (14.79 %) | 390 (4.30 %) |
Postmark | 8.760 | 7.088 (80.91 %) | 1.300 (14.84 %) | 372 (4.25 %) |
CampaignMonitor | 402.369 | 321.796 (79.98 %) | 68.985 (17.14 %) | 11.588 (2.88 %) |
Klick-Tipp | 401.512 | 320.777 (79.89 %) | 69.371 (17.28 %) | 11.364 (2.83 %) |
AWeber | 401.801 | 320.558 (79.78 %) | 68.523 (17.05 %) | 12.720 (3.17 %) |
Mailjet | 402.374 | 317.978 (79.03 %) | 72.541 (18.03 %) | 11.855 (2.95 %) |
Sarbacane | 17.819 | 13.985 (78.48 %) | 3.005 (16.86 %) | 829 (4.65 %) |
HubSpot | 403.423 | 316.083 (78.35 %) | 75.022 (18.60 %) | 12.318 (3.05 %) |
Rapidmail | 401.141 | 314.199 (78.33 %) | 74.453 (18.56 %) | 12.489 (3.11 %) |
Moosend | 401.838 | 313.987 (78.14 %) | 74.527 (18.55 %) | 13.324 (3.32 %) |
Mailify | 393.150 | 302.866 (77.04 %) | 76.964 (19.58 %) | 13.320 (3.39 %) |
ConvertKit | 394.406 | 302.081 (76.59 %) | 78.208 (19.83 %) | 14.117 (3.58 %) |
MailChimp | 401.329 | 305.310 (76.07 %) | 81.246 (20.24 %) | 14.773 (3.68 %) |
Clever Elements | 401.872 | 305.328 (75.98 %) | 80.822 (20.11 %) | 15.722 (3.91 %) |
SendInBlue | 402.780 | 303.984 (75.47 %) | 83.770 (20.80 %) | 15.026 (3.73 %) |
Benchmark Email | 403.511 | 304.350 (75.43 %) | 83.475 (20.69 %) | 15.686 (3.89 %) |
MailerLite | 401.873 | 302.296 (75.22 %) | 84.443 (21.01 %) | 15.134 (3.77 %) |
Constant Contact | 402.367 | 301.987 (75.05 %) | 84.582 (21.02 %) | 15.798 (3.93 %) |
SendPulse | 403.826 | 302.925 (75.01 %) | 86.065 (21.31 %) | 14.836 (3.67 %) |
Newsletter2Go | 40.838 | 28.449 (69.66 %) | 11.943 (29.24 %) | 446 (1.09 %) |
Email deliverability rates for Brevo and other providers comparison
Provider | Inbox (%) | Spam (%) | Lost (%) |
Kit | 83.65 % (7.409) | 12.58 % (1.114) | 3.77 % (334) |
Mailgun | 83.30 % (7.331) | 12.95 % (1.140) | 3.75 % (330) |
Amazon SES | 83.08 % (7.419) | 13.20 % (1.179) | 3.72 % (332) |
GetResponse | 82.92 % (334.047) | 14.42 % (58.090) | 2.66 % (10.724) |
ActiveCampaign | 81.20 % (327.272) | 16.19 % (65.254) | 2.61 % (10.506) |
CleverReach | 81.13 % (326.348) | 16.02 % (64.458) | 2.85 % (11.458) |
SendGrid | 81.07 % (7.254) | 15.14 % (1.355) | 3.79 % (339) |
mailtrap | 80.91 % (7.346) | 14.79 % (1.343) | 4.30 % (390) |
Postmark | 80.91 % (7.088) | 14.84 % (1.300) | 4.25 % (372) |
CampaignMonitor | 79.98 % (321.796) | 17.14 % (68.985) | 2.88 % (11.588) |
Klick-Tipp | 79.89 % (320.777) | 17.28 % (69.371) | 2.83 % (11.364) |
AWeber | 79.78 % (320.558) | 17.05 % (68.523) | 3.17 % (12.720) |
Mailjet | 79.03 % (317.978) | 18.03 % (72.541) | 2.95 % (11.855) |
Sarbacane | 78.48 % (13.985) | 16.86 % (3.005) | 4.65 % (829) |
HubSpot | 78.35 % (316.083) | 18.60 % (75.022) | 3.05 % (12.318) |
Rapidmail | 78.33 % (314.199) | 18.56 % (74.453) | 3.11 % (12.489) |
Moosend | 78.14 % (313.987) | 18.55 % (74.527) | 3.32 % (13.324) |
Mailify | 77.04 % (302.866) | 19.58 % (76.964) | 3.39 % (13.320) |
ConvertKit | 76.59 % (302.081) | 19.83 % (78.208) | 3.58 % (14.117) |
MailChimp | 76.07 % (305.310) | 20.24 % (81.246) | 3.68 % (14.773) |
Clever Elements | 75.98 % (305.328) | 20.11 % (80.822) | 3.91 % (15.722) |
SendInBlue | 75.47 % (303.984) | 20.80 % (83.770) | 3.73 % (15.026) |
Benchmark Email | 75.43 % (304.350) | 20.69 % (83.475) | 3.89 % (15.686) |
MailerLite | 75.22 % (302.296) | 21.01 % (84.443) | 3.77 % (15.134) |
Constant Contact | 75.05 % (301.987) | 21.02 % (84.582) | 3.93 % (15.798) |
SendPulse | 75.01 % (302.925) | 21.31 % (86.065) | 3.67 % (14.836) |
Newsletter2Go | 69.66 % (28.449) | 29.24 % (11.943) | 1.09 % (446) |
Email deliverability by category
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Email deliverability by email service provider
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